The Story that did not want to be Read

(page 8)

But it wasn't really THE END. The story was just trying to trick the readers into closing the book again. And because they did not believe a story would end in the middle of its book, the readers turned the page anyhow.

A puppy sneezed, in where blues wiggled and thinged. We ate a bowl of tomorrow morning, with sour milk up the kitchen sink's nose. O merciful spoonrest! O fabulous what! Can I have some more?

The time on the clock is in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. Where tanks green off and on. Can you hear me? Try listening with your elbows, and everything will become a comfortable rock. With tip-toe and toe-blues and skies up your nose. O blossoming cheese-tree! Where under a when!

Wherefore sneezed thing? And they all slinked a balloon from winks of blinky. Will you won't or tomorrow? Won't you will or never? Even with whipped cream on top? That's a mighty where! A mighty how! A mighty when for Bessy the cow!

Four ankles moved to Kansas, where they lived the life of ankles. Trouble? With hot sauce. The morning? Green chips. Always wear your helmet when blinking. That's when!

And so sometime a thing did something. Someway. Somehow. Some. Some. That thing up tomorrow's nose! With hot sauce.

Let's get a pair of tickets because there's air in town!

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