A Literary Color Palette

Announcing CU-COLOR, the Color Palette.
CU-COLOR is a pure LCP (Literary Color Palette),
since it only furnishes names.
The most discerning readers will have no trouble finding
the one color that matches each name;
all other readers are destined for a pure DF (Design Fiasco).
Below are the eighteen essential hues and tones
that characterize CU-COLOR.
Please note that order matters.

01) Prescription Jade
02) Malicious Periwinkle
03) Thyestean Pie
04) Angry Kiwi
05) And what's this we have behind your ear?
06) Severed Plaid (2)
07) Fuchsia Weltanschauung
08) Everyday Oracle
09) Sore Carnelian
10) Afternoon with Brandy, a Fine Girl
11) Fermenting Meat
12) Blonde Syllogism
13) I don't get it
14) Severed Plaid (1)
15) Financial Tangerine
16) The Insidious Dr. Cuddles
17) Up Yours
18) Blue
